Join Our Monthly Giving Community,

In John 4,

Jesus went out of his way to meet a marginalized woman at the well and took the time to make her feel loved and cared for her needs. She ran to tell others of what she had experienced and her testimony transformed her entire city.  

Inspired by Jesus, The Well is a community dedicated to serving and loving the unseen. Through your monthly generosity and bold faith,

The Well is directly empowering survivors of trafficking in Houston.

How Does Your Gift Make an Impact?

Please consider giving a meaningful gift to help youth and adult survivors of trafficking in Houston heal and rebuild. Your gift will have a direct impact on survivors’ lives, providing them with the essential services they need. Every day, more people are trafficked and exploited, but your gift can give survivors the hope, support, and essential services they need to find safety, healing, and freedom. Please give today and help a survivor find safety, healing, and freedom.

Daily Meal

$25 a month can provide 5 meals


$50 a month can provide 1 case management session for a survivor

Emergency Response

$100 a month can provide 24/7 response with a on-site advocate, crisis care packages, & transportation

Trauma Therapy

$250 a month can provide 5 trauma therapy sessions with a licensed professional counselor for a survivor

2023 Impact From Your Generosity

Meals Provided

($25 a month can provide 5 meals for a survivor at the drop-in center)

Adult Case Management Sessions Held

($50 a month can provide 1 case management session for a survivor at the drop-in center)

Counseling Sessions Held

($250 a month can provide 5 trauma therapy sessions with a licensed professional counselor for a survivor)

Youth Case Management Services Provided

($100 a month can provide 24/7 response with a on-site advocate, crisis care packages, & transportation)

Drop-In Center Visits
Crisis/Safety Plan Services (Adults & Youth)
Emergency Hotel Placement Services for Adults
Emergency Hotel Placement Services for Youth

Additional Ways To Give

Donate by Check

Checks to The Landing can be mailed to:
The Landing
PO Box 36744
Houston, TX 77236-6744


Donate Stock

Find out the benefits and how to give here.

Corporate Matching

You can double or triple your impact! Please contact us at to find out how.

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