
About The Landing

About The Landing
Our mission is to serve survivors of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation with a trauma-informed approach fueled by the love of Christ.

Anyone on a long journey needs a safe place to rest.

The Landing walks alongside survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation as they take steps toward safety, healing, and freedom. By welcoming survivors into our drop-in center, providing them with an advocate, or reaching out to them on Bissonnet, our intention is to meet people where they are—wherever it may be—and support them throughout their journey. Because we believe that everyone deserves to be loved, safe, and free.

About The Landing Houston
our history


About The Landing

Our Story

The Landing started as a dream to reach survivors who were slipping through the cracks. Inspired by their faith, our founders desired to increase victim identification and connect more victims with support and services. Because of this, their hope was to create a safe space for survivors, regardless of whether they are ready to leave their current situation.


As a result, in January 2016, we opened our doors as the first and only drop-in center for trafficking survivors in Houston. We were amazed by the community response, and in our first three years we served over 500 survivors! The Landing grew in services, partners, and impact. As a result, we sought new ways to reach survivors—through outreach to the Bissonnet Track, at court, in prison, and among at-risk populations throughout Houston. In addition, we began educating the community through presentations to churches, schools, and businesses.


One of the most pressing needs we saw in Houston was more support for younger victims of sex trafficking. Therefore, we launched our youth advocacy program in 2020 as a response to encourage healing, empowerment, and self-sufficiency in sexually exploited children and youth.


As we grow and serve more survivors, our aim ultimately is to love people the way Jesus does. Above all, we seek to meet people where they are, honor their inherent dignity and worth, and walk alongside them on their journey.


at the landing

Our Values


We live out the most powerful force in all the universe—love—God’s complete, unyielding, unconditional, and unselfish love.


We commit to an adherence of moral and ethical principles in every interaction with donors, clients, volunteers, staff, and strategic partners.

Social Equity

We affirm that everyone and everything exists because of Him; therefore, we aim to create a fair, just, and healthy culture of inclusion, diversity, and empowerment.


We commit to walking out truthful, transparent, and dignified relationships with those who have been entrusted into our sphere.

Civil Rights and Nondiscrimination 

The Landing prohibits employees from discriminating in the delivery of services or benefits on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability in its programs or activities. The Landing will comply with any additional applicable federal nondiscrimination requirements, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681). If you need to file a grievance,  please request a Complaint/Grievance Form from hello@thelanding.org

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Vital services provided to people
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Staff and volunteers working across 16 countries
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Of our staff in these countries are local nationals
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Invested in all our programs last year 2019
who help us.

Our Partners

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